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July 20, 2015 - Flickr images have returned

Images from Flickr are back in the game! At the moment, images from the Words That Follow Flickr group will not appear, but I am looking for a solution to this that will not cause the repeated image problem we saw before.

May 31, 2015 - Flickr images temporarily disabled

Several people have reported problems with repeating images and I suspect it has something to do with the way I'm attempting to obtain random images from Flickr. I've pulled the Flickr images from the pool until I can resolve this. You still have around 650 "classic" Words That Follow images to play with in the meantime.

How to Play

Words That Follow is a multiplayer game of photo captioning. Getting started is easy! Choose a name for yourself and then create or join an existing game. Once the game has 3 or more players, everyone will be shown a photograph. You will have a limited amount of time in which to come up with a creative, witty, or brain-meltingly terrible caption for the photo.

Next, you are shown a list of all the captions that the rest of the players wrote. All you have to do is choose the best (or the one that hurts the least). Make sure you choose one, though! If you don't vote, you can't get any points yourself.

At the end of the round, all the votes are counted and you gain points for each vote you received. Initially, votes are worth 1 point each. After 3 rounds, they increase to 2 points. In the final round, each vote is worth 3 points!

In addition to the extra points in the final round, players are also presented with a special rule that should be followed. These can include writing a caption that sounds like a Public Service Announcement or creating a caption that fits a given acronym.

So, why are you still reading? Start playing!